About CoE

Dr. K. Mythili Gnanapriya
Controller of Examinations
Associate professor and Head
Department of Mathematics

Dr. K. Mythili Gnanapriya, Associate professor and Head, Department of Mathematics is holding the responsibility of Controller of Examinations since 2017. She is the doctoral degree holder in Mathematics and has 19 years of teaching Experience at NASC. For her credit, she has published 15 Research Articles and has authored a book. She is the life member of Indian Science Congress Association. She was acting as Reserve Superintendent and Exam Coordinator for Bharathiar University Examinations for 2 years. She also gained experience in conducting TNPSC Examinations and Postal Departmental Examinations. As an IQAC coordinator, she involved herself in preparing the College for NAAC 2nd cycle during 2014. She was the coordinator for Expert Committee Visit for conferment of Autonomous Status during 2017. She was awarded with “UN Golden Award of Human Excellence” from Academy of Universal Global Peace, USA during 2018.