Assistant CoE



Dr. M. Sathishkumar, Assistant Professor and HoD , Department of Electronics and Communication Systems is acting as the Assistant Controller of Examinations. He has completed his doctoral degree in Electronics and has 10 years of Teaching Experience. He has published 22 Research Articles , 2 Patents and contributed for 5 Book Chapters. He was acting as Reserve Superintendent in Bharathiar University Examinations for 3 years and was coordinating the same for 1.5 years.

Dr. J. HEMAGOWRI, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science is currently serving as Assistant Controller of Examinations. She has completed her doctoral degree in Computer Science and has 14 years of teaching experience. She has published 10 research articles, 1 book, 1 book chapter, and 1 patent. Additionally, she has uploaded an eight-video lecture series on Software Defined Networking on YouTube.