Conduct of Examinations


The timetable of various examinations in each semester will be issued one month before the commencement of the End Semester Examinations. The Chief Superintendent shall put up a copy of the time-table at a prominent place in the College for the candidates to notice and the same shall be published in the website. The same shall be displayed in the Department Notice Board by the Head of the Departments.


All students admitted in a programme (UG & PG) with required attendance can remit the prescribed fee on or before the date fixed. Then only they become eligible to appear for forthcoming semester examinations including practical examinations. There is no separate registration fee. She / he shall submit an application form duly signed by the class tutor and forwarded by the Head of the Department. However, she / he shall be issued with the Hall Ticket only if she / he secures the prescribed minimum attendance of the total duration of the programme and possess other minimum qualification prescribed in the regulations for each programme. The list of candidates having sufficient attendance and who have paid the required fee shall be intimated by the Head of the Department before the deadline for registration for a particular examination.
No candidate will be eligible for the semester examination unless he / she possess minimum attendance and has paid the required fee.
The mode of fee remittance shall be Online through the College Website.


Regular candidates shall submit their applications duly filled with the prescribed fee signed by the Head of the Department and the Principal
Before the submission of application, the candidates are advised to satisfy themselves that they fulfill the eligibility conditions laid down by the College to appear for the End Semester Examinations.
If an application is not accompanied by the prescribed fee or incomplete in any respect will not be considered eligible.
Detailed time table for the Semester Examinations will be put up in the College / Department notice board and will be available at the College / Department / Controller Section about 30 days prior to the commencement of the examination.
Correction in application should be neatly HAND WRITTEN in ENGLISH BLOCK LETTERS.
The candidate should check all the entries given in the respective columns, make corrections (if needed) and enclose letter along with the application.
The code number of regular semester and his / her arrear are indicated in the respective semester column lines. Candidates, who desire to appear for any of the arrear subjects, a tick mark (√ ) may be made against codes of the subjects for which he / she wishes to appear.
If the code number of the subject offered is different from the one given, please circle it and ENTER THE RELEVENT CODE NUMBER.
If the candidate desires to improve performance in any of the subject, if eligible, he / she should WRITE the relevant subject codes in the respective semester line. The list of subject codes may be obtained from the College Office.
Private candidates should send their application to the Controller of Examinations directly or through the Head of the Department concerned.


Every candidate who appears for the examination shall be given Hall ticket online by the CoE which is further attested by the Head of the Department. At the time of issuing Hall Tickets each candidate should verify it to check whether his / her name is registered for all subjects for which he / she has remitted examination fees. Any discrepancy in the Hall tickets should be immediately brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations through the HoD.


The Principal can cancel the Hall Ticket issued in the name of any candidate for misconduct or if it is found out that she / he is ineligible to sit for the examination, after granting an opportunity to the candidate to present his / her case.


Candidates are expected to be in their allotted seats 10 minutes before the commencement of the test or examinations. No candidate will be permitted to enter the Hall after 30 minutes of the commencement of the examination.
No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall within one hour of the commencement of the examination.
Candidates are prohibited from bringing / carrying into the examination hall any book or portion of the book, manuscript or matter of any description to the examination. Any communication with one another is subject to severe punishment.
Candidates are not allowed to tear the sheets from the answer book. They are not allowed to take the answer scripts outside the Hall.
Candidates involved in malpractice of any kind will be liable for disciplinary action.
A candidate resorting to malpractice of any kind in the End Semester Examinations will not be permitted to write any paper thereafter in that particular semester and in the following semester too. However, the candidate may register, attend classes and complete the Continuous Assessment.
Candidates appearing for Practical Examinations should submit their bonafide record notebooks prescribed for Practical Examination; otherwise they will not be permitted to appear for the Practical Examinations. However, in genuine cases when they are not able to submit their record note books they may be permitted to appear for the practical examinations, provided the concerned Staff-in charge / Head of the Department certifies that the candidate has performed the experiments prescribed for the course. For such candidates who do not submit record notebooks, Zero (0) mark will be awarded for record notebooks.
Candidates appearing for Practical Examinations as arrears must submit the original bonafide record notebook which will be valued fresh by the Examiners and the marks awarded for the examination will be considered as the marks obtained for the record by the candidate. Previous mark, if any, will not be taken into account.


Every student shall register for the Examination of the relevant semester in which she / he to obtain promotion to the next semester.
Every student who is eligible to write the examination should submit his / her application through the Principal / HoD before the last date mentioned.
Candidates should ensure that they receive their Hall tickets at least two days prior to the examinations, provided they have adequate attendance and paid required examination fee.
They should bring their Hall Tickets on all days of the examination, failing which they will not be admitted to the Examination Hall.
Students will not be permitted to enter the Examination Hall without their ID card.
The Candidates should enter the examination room at least 15 minutes before the commencement of examination. In exceptional cases, the Chief Superintendent can permit relaxation up to a maximum of 30 minutes for candidates to enter the Examination Hall.
Students should be seated in the Examination Hall by 9.45 AM in the morning session and 1.45 PM in the afternoon session. Students shall not be permitted after 10.30 AM in the morning session and 2.30 PM in the afternoon session.
Students are not allowed to stand or cluster around the Examination Hall.
Students should be in proper attire during the examinations.
Any student found guilty of using unfair means of any nature shall be liable for disciplinary action.
Candidates are permitted to use only blue or black ink pens for writing examinations. No other coloured ink pens are allowed for writing the exam.
No materials except writing materials and Hall Ticket shall be allowed in the examination room. Mobile Phones, Digital Watches, Programmable Calculators and other Electronic equipments are strictly prohibited in the examination room. Logarithm tables, calculators and other drawing equipment may be allowed only if they are required for answering questions and the question paper contains a note to this effect.
Instances of malpractice such as copying using manuscripts, copying from other candidates, smuggling of answer books, indecent behavior in the examination room, use of unfair means etc., are liable to be punished as per College rules.
Candidates should write their register numbers, name of examination etc., in the appropriate places in the answer books. Instructions given in the answer books and question paper should be strictly followed. They are not permitted to write any identification mark any where inside the answer paper. Also they are not permitted to write register number anywhere over main book.
Candidates must ensure the correct question paper. The title of the paper should be checked. Students are advised to verify / check the question paper code, subject code, subject title and number of pages in the question paper and confirm whether they have been issued with the correct question paper. If there is any discrepancy, it should be brought to the notice of the Hall Superintendent / Invigilator immediately. Any lapse in this matter will lead to the cancellation of the concerned examination for him/her.
Candidates should not write anything on the question paper other than his/her name and register number.
Strict silence should be maintained in the Examination Hall. Candidates are not allowed to get clarification from other students. In case of any doubt, they can seek the help of the invigilator.
They should return all answer books before leaving the room. Candidates are not permitted to leave the Examination Hall without the permission of the invigilator during the course of the examination.
Candidates are forbidden to ask questions of any kind during the examination. Superintendents are instructed to refuse to answer any inquiry whatsoever related to the question papers, whether as explanation of meaning or correction of typographical errors.
Answers should be written on both sides of the papers in the answer book. No sheets should be detached from the answer book.
All rough work should be done either at the bottom of the page or last page of the answer book and the portion not intended for valuation should be stricken off by drawing a single line across it.
Read the instructions carefully before answering.
Any query should be immediately brought to the attention of the invigilator.
Candidates are obliged to follow instructions issued by the invigilator
Announcements in the Examination Hall should be viewed seriously.
Any requirements during the examination should be brought to the attention of the invigilator.
Candidates shall be permitted to leave the Examination Hall only after his / her answer book is taken charge of by the invigilator. They should not be permitted to leave the Hall after keeping their answer books in their seats.
Writing of the wrong register number in the answer script will entail rejection of the answer script.
Students are advised to see the College Notice Board and Website for the Time Table / Examination Schedule or contact the CoE section for connected information.
The students, not appearing for an examination, are advised not to stand / sit / crowd near the Examination Halls / Zone during the examination period in the Forenoon and Afternoon Sessions, so as not to cause any disturbance to the students who are writing the examination. They should not study or stand in the verandah near the Examination Halls.
Circulars regarding the last date for applying for Revaluation and for obtaining Photo Copies of the answer scripts and for appearing for Supplementary Examinations and the connected details of fees, mode of payment will be sent to the concerned departments and will also be displayed on the College Notice Board / Controller of Examinations Office Notice Board soon after the declaration of the results.