Department of Forensic Science

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  • Syllabus
  • Events
About Department

Forensic science is the application of science and technology for the purpose of law, during criminal investigation, as governed by the legal standards of admissible evidence and criminal procedure.. Job of the forensic scientist is to establish a link between the criminal and crime scene by examining the evidence and materials scientifically. Forensic scientists collect, preserve, and analyze scientific evidence during the course of an investigation.While some forensic scientists travel to the scene of the crime to collect the evidence themselves, others occupy a laboratory role, performing analysis on objects brought to them by other individuals. In addition to their laboratory role, forensic scientists testify as expert witnesses in both criminal and civil cases. In this era of technological revolution,criminals use the latest advancements in science to commit a crime. Unfortunately the Indian criminal justice system has a shortage of experts in forensic science who can solve cases with the help of the same modern science and technology. As a result more than two million cases are pending in Indian courts awaiting proper investigation and judgment. This multi disciplinary subject provides the students an excellent exposure to various branches of forensic science such as forensic physics,chemistry ,biology, psychology and law. This course focuses on building the basics skills and education in the students in the field of forensic science. The course also gives a good exposure to rewarding career opportunities to work for various law enforcement agencies as a forensic expert and be a part of the criminal justice system of India.


To educate forensic scientists who can make the world a safer place by fighting crimes with the help of science.


Train high quality forensic scientists who can use science and technology to aid police investigation, trail and correctional administration

Courses Offered

  • B.Sc Forensic Science
  • M.Sc Forensic Science

Forensic Science

  • Robust curriculum
  • Internships in forensic labs, police stations and courts
  • Compulsory project as part of curriculum
  • Hands on training in fingerprints, document analysis, ballistics and crime scene management.
  • State of art wet and dry lab facilities.
  • Invited programs by eminent personalities in police and law fields.
  • Field visits to enhance the knowledge.



Awareness Program on Drug Free India Empowered Future

The Department of Criminology and Forensic Science jointly with  Anti-Drug Committee and Cyber Security Club at Nehru Arts and Science […]

Panel Discussion with eminent Dr. Pro. Chockalingam

The Department of Criminology and Forensic Science  at Nehru Arts and Science College organized a Panel Discussion  on December 15, […]

Gender Equity Programme on Women Empowerment

The Department of DCFS organized a seminar on “Gender Equity Programme on Women Empowerment” for the DCFS students on 22.08.2024. […]

International Seminar about Empowering a Safer Digital World Trends and Victim Support

The School of Investigative sciences and Technology the department of Criminology, Forensic Science, DCFS, Psychology, jointly Organized  and  International Seminar […]

A visit to the Police Museum

About the Event On July 9, 2024, first-year criminology students, accompanied by faculty members from their department, embarked on an […]

one-day visit to the Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI)

On 19/07/2024, Second and Third year students from the Department of Forensic Science embarked on a one-day visit to the Kerala […]

Life Sciences – Department Association Inauguration

The Department Association Inauguration for the School of Life Sciences, encompassing the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Microbiology, and […]

Displayed posters regarding antiragging at  Prominent places

Department of forensic science has Displayed posters regarding antiragging at  Prominent places including all classrooms and notice boards. Students speculated […]

anti ragging awareness programme

The Department of Forensic science has conducted an anti ragging awareness programme on 21.06.2024 at 2:30 pm. The session was […]

The forensic department conducted an engaging summer camp

The forensic department conducted an engaging summer camp for students who had just completed their Plus Two education. The camp […]

Staff Expertise Series

The Management, Principal, Staff of the Center for Capacity Building organised Staff Expertise Series on BEHIND THE YELLOW TAPE: MANAGING […]

Investigative Techniques in Forensic Psychology

The add-on programme titled “Investigative Techniques in Forensic Psychology” was conducted with great success and enthusiasm among the participants. . […]

The guest lecture on fingerprinting

The guest lecture on fingerprinting by Dr. Anup Kudtarkar significantly enriched students’ understanding in history, collection procedures, and legal aspects […]

The Orientation Programme on Corporate Security

The Orientation Programme on Corporate Security provided students with new knowledge, skills, and perspectives, enhancing their personal and professional growth. […]

Current Trends in Advanced Techniques in Biological Sciences (C TAB-2024)

An International Conference Seminar on Current Trends in Advanced Techniques in Biological Sciences (C TAB-2024) was jointly organized by the […]

Association Inauguration




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