Nehru Civic Charitable Trust , Department of Social Work , School of Commerce and Social Sciences in association with Centre for Career Development Organized a Five Days Vocational Training programme for transgenders from 22:02:2022 to 26:02:2022 at Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore . Dr.P.Nathiya , Head Incharge, Department of Social Work welcome the gathering. Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal offered presidential address. Dr. M .Kanagarathinam, Dean School of Commerce and Social Sciences felicitated the gathering. Tr. Mahesha Riti was the chief guest. She said that this kind of Vocational Training Programme will be motivating all the transgenders . It also help for their career. empowerment . and also she pointed out transgenders are very struggling to get the job.in present scenario . In this inaugural programme nearly 35 staff members participated . Mr.R.Joseph,, Assistant Professor department of Social Work was proposed the vote of thanks.