There shall be a provision to Appeal for a candidate who may be dissatisfied with the Grade he / she has been awarded. He / she can approach the Grievance Cell with the written submission together with all facts, the assignments, and test papers etc, which were evaluated. He / she can do so before the commencement of End Semester Examination. The Grievance Cell is empowered to revise the grades if the case is genuine and is also empowered to penalize the candidate if his / her submission is found to be baseless and unduly motivated. The composition of the Grievance Cell at Department level is as follows.
The HoD / Dean
One senior faculty member (other than those concerned with the evaluation of the course concerned).
One senior faculty members / subject expert. Grievances related to Internal marks shall be addressed by the above committee and the same be recorded.
At College level a committee called Examination Appeal Committee comprising of Principal, CoE, Member Secretary – Academic Council, Teacher Representatives from Governing Council and the HoD concerned shall address the Grievances. The Grievances related to CIA and ESE shall be shall be addressed by the above committee. ESE Grievances shall be filed latest within two working days after the publication of results.
A suggestion box / Grievance box is kept at the front of CoE Office where Students and Teachers shall post their suggestions / Grievances (if any). Further the same shall be mailed to