Misbehaviour of candidates during examination


Candidates appearing for an examination shall be under the disciplinary control of the Chief Superintendent, and shall obey his / her instructions. In the event of a candidate disobeying instructions of the Chief Superintendent or invigilator or behaving insolently towards the Chief Superintendent or any invigilator, without prejudice to any other action that may be taken against him / her, the candidate may be excluded from the day’s examination and if she / he persists in misbehavior, she / he may be excluded from the rest of the examinations by the Chief Superintendent. In all such cases, a full report of each case shall be sent to the CoE, through the Examination Vigilance Committee after granting an opportunity to present his / her case may according to the gravity of the offence, ratify the action taken by the Chief Superintendent or further punish a candidate by cancelling the Examination taken by him / her either in whole or in part or debarring him / her from appearing for any Examination in the College for a specified period or permanently.


The Chief Superintendent and Hall Superintendents who have reasons to suspect malpractice on the part of any candidate should forthwith make all possible preliminary investigation and communicate the same to Controller of Examinations on the same day by forwarding all material evidences available together with the written explanations from the Hall Superintendent and the written explanations obtained from the candidate. Chief Superintendent is empowered not to permit the candidate to appear for the subsequent examination and the same may be reported to the Controller of Examinations.


If any student is found indulged in malpractice in any of the CIA / ESE examinations, he / she shall be liable for action as prescribed by the College from time to time. The malpractice case shall be referred to the Examination Vigilance Committee which shall conduct an enquiry ( Penalty fee towards malpractice enquiry should be paid by the candidate concerned ) and recommend the punishment based on the guidelines to the CoE / Principal.

The following will be the penalties for malpractices in the End Semester Examinations.

Rule 1: Candidates writing his / her sessional marks in the answer script and requesting for a pass
A written warning will be served, stating that the recurrence of this malpractice will attract penalties including cancellation of the examination written. However, the result of the examination taken by the candidate prior to the date of malpractice will be published.
Rule 2: Candidates writing an appeal to the Examiner coupled with a promise of any form of consideration
A written warning will be served, stating that the recurrence of this malpractice will attract penalties including cancellation of the examinations written.
Rule 3: Candidates found in possession of material in the form of printed, Photocopied/ cyclostyled / hand written or in any other means, i.e. written on paper, hand, cloth, cell phone, scale, furniture, etc. but not found to have copied from the above
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester (including the ensuing supplementary examinations) and all the examinations of the next semester. However, the results of the examination taken by the candidate prior to the date of malpractice will be published.
Rule 4a: Candidates found copying from any incriminating materials owned or written or in any other means, i.e. written on paper, hand, cloth, scale, cell phone, and furniture or answer book of another candidate
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester (including the ensuing supplementary examinations) and all the examinations of the next semester. However, the results of the examination taken by the candidate prior to the date of malpractice will be published.
Rule 4b: Candidates being abetted by another candidate but not in possession of any incriminating materials / and not made use of in the examinations.
The candidates will be permitted to continue to write that examination and the rest of the examinations of that semester. However, the results will be withheld till such time a decision is taken by the Examination Committee. However, the results of the examinations taken by the candidate prior to the date of malpractice will be published.
Rule 5: Inserting previously written answer sheets brought from outside, aiding or assisting for copying from additional book pilfered already or passing on written bits for copying
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate will not be permitted to write the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester. The candidate will also be debarred from writing the subsequent semester examinations that follow, including supplementary/additional examinations. However, the results of the examinations written prior to the date of malpractice will be published.
Rule 6: Candidates refusing to accompany the Hall Superintendent to the Chief Superintendent or the Principal on account of his / her malpractice or exhibiting verbal resistance inside or outside the Examination Hall or running out of the Examination Hall with or without the answer script
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester, including supplementary/additional examinations. However, the results of the examinations written prior to the date of malpractice will be published.
Rule 7: Candidates leaving the Examination Hall within 1 hour from the time of commencement of examination, with or without Question Paper / Answer paper
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and he/she will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester, including supplementary/additional examinations. However, the results of the examinations written earlier will be published.
Rule 8: Candidates knocking away his / her own or any other candidate’s answer scripts from the table
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester, including supplementary / additional examinations. However, the result of the examinations written earlier will be published.
Rule 9: Candidates knocking away the question papers or answer papers from the Chief Superintendent / Hall Superintendent or any other Officials who carries them
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester, including supplementary / additional examinations. Also the candidate will be debarred from writing the subsequent semester examinations that follow. Further, the results of the examinations written earlier to the date of malpractice in that semester will not be published.
Rule 10: Candidates employing somebody to write examinations (a case of impersonation) if such person happens to be our College student
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate and the person who impersonated him will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester, including supplementary / additional examinations. In addition, they will be debarred from writing all examinations in the five subsequent semesters. The results of the examination already written prior to the date of malpractice will not be published.
Rule 11: Candidates employing some outside person or old student to write examination in his / her place (a case of impersonation)
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester, including supplementary/additional examinations and also, the candidate will be debarred from writing all papers in six subsequent semester examinations. Further, the results of the examinations written prior to the date of malpractice will not be published. A police complaint may also be preferred, if it is deemed fit by the higher authorities of the College.
Rule 12: Candidates threatening or abusing or showing physical resistance to the Invigilators or any other college personnel or exhibiting insubordinate behavior inside or outside the Examination Hall
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester, including supplementary / additional examinations. Also, the candidate will be debarred from writing all the papers in the six subsequent semester examinations. Further, the results of the examinations written prior to the date of the malpractice will not be published.
Rule 13: Candidates manhandling / causing physical injury to the Chief Superintendent / Hall Superintendent / any other officials connected with the examinations
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester, including supplementary / additional examinations. Further, the candidate will be debarred from writing all the papers in the six subsequent semester examinations. In addition, the results of the examinations written prior to the date will not be published. A police complaint may also be preferred if it is deemed fit by the higher authorities of the College.
Rule 14: Candidates committing forgery either prior or during the examination
The particular examination taken by the candidate will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred from writing the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester, including supplementary/additional examinations. Further, the candidate will be debarred from writing all papers in the six subsequent semester examinations. In addition, the results of the examinations written prior to the date of malpractice will not be published. A police complaint may also be preferred if it is deemed fit by the higher authorities of the College.
Rule 15: In case of any kind of malpractice as detailed above during the CIA Tests and Model Examination
The particular examination shall be cancelled and the paper will not be valued. No re-examination for the particular paper will be conducted. Permission for writing the subsequent Tests/Examinations of the concerned CIA test/Model Examination shall be at the discretion of the Principal.