E- Journal

Aim and Scope

The Nehru E – Journal is a Research Journal, which publishes the high collaborative research work in the wide area of Science and Humanities and its application including Commerce, Business Management, Bio -Science, Creative Science, Food Science, Computer S treams, Mathematics, Languages and Catering Science. This Journal provides a scholastic platform for researchers and academician to share innovations, theory and practices of various research fields in the form of high quality papers rapidly and freely to the global community.

Researchers in all these fields are encouraged to contribute articles based on recent research. This journal publishes research articles and systematically reviewed articles within the whole field of Science and Humanities and will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in these ever -expanding subjects.

Publishing Schedule

Nehru E – Journal is published biannually in the month of June and December every year. Unpublished research peer reviewed articles will be published without any processing charges.

Chief Editors

Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal.

Dr. A. Swarnalatha, Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition

Editorial Board

Editorial Board members are eminent experts in the subject areas included within the journal’s scope

  • Dr. S. Saraswathi, Dean, Accademic Affairs
  • Dr. S. Jayapriya, Dean, School of Creative Arts
  • Dr. Deepa, Project Director
  • Dr. T. Ramaprabha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT/CT
  • Dr. K. Pradheep, Assistant Professor, Dept, of Visual Communication 
Message from Editor in Chief

The World of Education and Research is becoming smaller and smaller as the Scientific Innovations and Research Publications grow bigger and greater than ever before. The Innovators and Researchers require better avenues to publish their latest findings. Nehru E-Journal has created an excellent opportunity for the aspiring innovators to publicise their research outcomes. The interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research aspects have been gaining momentum in the recent times. We are happy that this Digital Journal creates an appropriate platform for reaching out to the World of Innovations. I do congratulate and appreciate the efforts of my teammates in sculpting Nehru E-Journal.

Dr. B. Anirudhan
– Principal, Nehru Arts and Science College

Articles are invited for the upcoming issue Email: ejournalnasc@gmail.com