• About
  • Vision and Mission
  • Objective
  • Members

National Service Scheme (NSS) was launched in 1969, the birth centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi, in 37 universities involving 40000 students. NSS is an extension dimension to the higher education system to orient the student youth to community service while they are studying in educational institutions. It is being implemented by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India. The National Service Scheme (NSS) aims to help students develop a sense of social responsibility and civic duty, and to gain skills that can be used to help their communities.


  • Understand the community
  • Develop Social responsibility
  • Practice National Integration
  • Mobilize Community Participation
  • Develop team building skills

Vision of the Club:

             To ascertain the needs and problems of the community and involve them to develop problem-solving skills.

Mission of the Club:

             The Motto of NSS "Not Me but You" reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service.


  • To understand the community in which they work
  • To understand themselves in relation to their community
  • To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process
  • To develop a sense of social and civic responsibility among the volunteers
  • To utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems
S.No.Name of Staff/Student CoordinatorDepartment/Class
1.Dr. A.SrideviTamil
2.Ms. M. DhanalakshmiMathematic
3.Mr. K. Joshan SanjayBBA
 4.Viyanprabu LIII B.Sc IT
5.Mahavishnu MIII B.Sc IT
6.Dineshkumar K VIII BCA
7.Mohammed Kaja Moideen MI B.Sc IT
8.Saravana Perumal JI B.Com IT