It is focused to conduct Quality Research with integrity and focus on the outcomes of research as a Patent, Product, Process, Incubation Centre, New Gen IEDC Project, Seed Money Project or a publication in top ranking Journals. This will support the research performance and improving the reputation of the individuals, institution and NGI at large. This guidance will help the researchers to prepare research documentations and support the academic research.
The purpose of the Research Policy is to develop Research Atmosphere and Culture among faculty and research scholars in Nehru Arts and Science College. The Research Policies divided into two criteria 1) AcademicResearch Policy 2) External and Internal Research Policy.
Attendance Requirements for the Candidates Pursuing M. Phil. and Ph.D., Programmes
All the above mentioned points must be considered important for the API (Annual Performance Index) Score.
Regular Salary and Increment will be strictly subjected to API Score.
It is never compulsory that all Members of Faculty must do everything stipulated above. But each one must show their proficiency at least in one said area, like PATENT, RESEARCH PUBLICATION, FUNDED PROJECT, SEED MONEY PROJECT, INCUBATION CENTRE etc.
S.No | Name of the Principal Investigator and Co-investigator | Name of the Funding Agency | Department involved in the Project | Title of the Project | Funds Provided (₹) |
1. | Dr. K. Pradeep Assistant Professor | Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) | Department of Visual Communication | "Neuroaesthetic Of Art: Investigation Of Intellectuality In The Aesthetic Beauty Of Indian Art | Rs.10,00,000 |
2. | Dr. K. Pradeep Assistant Professor | Department of Science and Technology (DST) | Department of Visual Communication | Neuroaesthetic of Indian Art a Scientific Investigation of Aesthetic Sense in an Art- Special Reference to Sculpture | Rs.47,98,120 |
3. | Dr. A. Swarnalatha, Professor & Head | Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) | Department of Food Science and Nutrition | Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana Skill Training Programmes- Impact Analysis on Socioeconomic and Demand Supply Characteristics: A study of four southern districts of Tamil Nadu | Rs. 4,50,000 |
4. | Dr. D. Suryaprabha Assistant Professor | Department of Science and Technology (DST) | Department of Information Technology | Artificial Intelligence Powered Diagnostic Kit for Real Time monitoring of Nematode Pests of Sugarcane | Rs. 18,30,000 |
S. No. | Name of the Student | BATCH | Discipline | FT/PT | Name of the Guide | Title |
1 | Vandana M.T | Oct-11 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr.P.Nirmala | Characterization of Sacharum officinarum Peroxidase and the formulation of Plant Based (Tridax procumbers and Aloe vera) wound Healing Ointments on Exclsion wound Healing of Male Albino wister rats |
2 | Amala Sharmila. A | Oct-11 | Biotechnology | FT | M. Sudha Devi | Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Hexane and Acetone Extracts of Selected Indigenous Medicinal Plants and its Potential As Drug |
3 | Sreena.S.Nair | Oct-11 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr. S. Jayashree | Potential uses of Bark of Casalpinia sappan in Textie and Food Industry |
4 | Geethu. S | Oct-11 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr. S. Jayashree | Biopesticide and Bioelectricity Production Using sELECTED Indigenous Medicinal Plants |
5 | Anjali .V.M. | Oct-11 | Microbiology | FT | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies against Streptococcal Dental Caries – Purification & Neutralization Efficacy |
6 | Saranya Devi .K | Oct-11 | Microbiology | FT | Dr. J. Rathinamala | Evaluation of Biologycal and Chemical investigations of Araucharia Columanaris for its potential uses |
7 | Vidhya Mol. K.K. | Sep-12 | Microbiology | FT | Dr. R. Vijayaraghavan | Purification and characterization of catalase from Agaricus bisporous and Pleurotus ostreatus for therapeutic applications |
8 | Thusara James | Sep-12 | Microbiology | FT | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | Neutralizing Potential of Clitorea ternatea and Rauvolfia serpentina Plant Extracts against Echis carinatus and Daboia russelli Venoms by in vivo and in vitro Methods |
9 | Sangeetha.K. | Sep-12 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr.P.Nirmala | In vitro and insilico studies on Antibreast cancer activity in Methanolic Extracts of Cayratia padata |
10 | Chithra Gency.L | Sep-12 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr. S. Jayashree | Phytoremediation of Heavy metals contaminated oil using two medicinal plants |
11 | Varsha.V | Sep-12 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr. S. Jayashree | Synthesis of Bionanoparticles from the root extract of Vetiveria zizaniodes and its application in waste water Treatment |
12 | Radha.M | Sep-12 | Tamil | PT | Dr. G. Vasanthimala | Completed |
13 | Shabnam. A.Karim | Sep-13 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr. S. Jayashree | Potentiality of Aqueous Extract of Stem Bark of Mangifera Indica against Echis carinatus venom |
14 | Prajisha.K.K | Sep-13 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr. S. Jayashree | Efficacy of root extract of Vetiveria zizanoides on Chohn's Disease in wister rats |
15 | M.Saranya | Sep-13 | Commerce | FT | Dr.M.Kanagarathinam | A study on Job satisfaction among employees of supermarkets in Coimbatore |
16 | Uma Maheshwari.K | Sep-13 | Commerce | FT | Dr.M.Kanagarathinam | A Study on consumber attitude and preference of Amma Mineral water with reference to coimbatore city |
17 | Dhanya. M | Sep-13 | Commerce | FT | Joy Sukanya | A Study on Consumer Perception Towards Maruthi Cars with Special Reference to Coimbatore City |
18 | Juby Elsa Joseph | Nov-14 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr.T.Balasaravanan | Comparative analysis of Lycopene gene in green purple coloured Brassica aleracea varieties |
19 | Shalini. S | Nov-14 | Microbiology | FT | Dr. R. Vijayaraghavan | Evaluation of Metabolic Compounds of Androphis paniculata and Ocimum sanctum for its Anti inflammatory Activity |
20 | Anjana. K | Nov-14 | Microbiology | FT | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | In vitro and in vivo Neutralizing Efficacy of Aqueous Root Extract of Stereospermum colais against Daboia russelii and Echis carinatus Venoms |
21 | Prathyusha. K.P | Nov-14 | Microbiology | FT | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | Studies on Antitoxin Activity of Aqueous Root Extract of Cyclea peltata against Naja naja and Bungarus caeruleus Venoms |
22 | Divya Jose | Nov-14 | Computer Science | PT | I.Gobi | Router Link Failure Detection |
23 | Nikhil.K.K | Nov-14 | Computer Science | FT | I.Gobi | Efficient security for energy Management Load Balancing and Application Enhancement for the Stable and Reliable Cloud |
24 | V.Kalaiselvi | Nov-14 | Computer Science | PT | M.Sheela New Sheeba | FKANSM: Fuzzy based AnomalyDetection using Adaptive Neighbouring Method using Clustering |
25 | R.Kavitha | Nov-14 | Computer Science | PT | Dr.A.Nithya | Abnormal moving object Detection using sprase based graph KNN Classification |
26 | Saranya Das .S | Nov-14 | Computer Science | FT | Dr.A.Nithya | BiometricAuthentication using cryptography with Eyelashes Recognition system |
27 | Vimaleswari. R | Nov-14 | Computer Science | PT | S. Savitha | N- Tiex archetecture for network Intrusion detection system using Machine learning and Data Mining |
28 | Sivapriya. B | Nov-15 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr. S. Jayashree | Studies on the impact of soil and oil content in the roots of Vetiveria zizanioides |
29 | Hima. K. U | Nov-15 | Microbiology | FT | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | Development of Chicken Egg Yolk Immunoglobulin (IgY) against Indian Red Scorpion (Mesobuthus tamulus) Venom |
30 | Shafina. J | Nov-15 | Microbiology | FT | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | Generation and Characterization of Chicken Egg Yolk antibodies (IgY) against Salmonella typhimurium |
31 | Hepsy Francis. C. F. | Nov-15 | Computer Science | FT | I.Gobi | Efficient Emergency Message Transmission in Vehicular Communication Using Infrastructure and Cloud Server Support |
32 | Karthika. K. T | Nov-15 | Commerce | FT | Dr. S . Shivakumar | A Study on Microfinance with Special reference to Kudumbasree Programme |
33 | Sreeja. P. K | Nov-16 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr. S. Geethalakshmi | Characterization of sucrose synthase (SuSy) transcription factor from Saccharum officianarum Co86032 during abiotic Stree Condition |
34 | Selin Mary. G | Nov-16 | English | FT | Dr. R. Vidhyaprabha | The Voyage of self realization : a stdy of Bharathi Mukherjee's jasmine and desirable daughters |
35 | Babitha. D | Nov-16 | English | PT | Dr. R. Vidhyaprabha | A Real Picture of India in Aravind Adiga's "The white tiger and the last man in the tower" |
36 | Chinju Josep Plathottathil | Nov-16 | English | FT | Dr. R. Vidhyaprabha | Realism in immigrants Life and Human Nature: A study of Kiran Desia's the inheritance of loss and Hullabaloo in a Guava Orchard |
37 | Ilkkiya. M | Nov-16 | English | PT | S. Lakshmanan | Women and Nature: Ecofeminism as projected in Shashi Deshapande's "The Dark Holds no terrors" and Kamala Markandaya's Nectar in a SIEVE |
38 | Kayathri Devi | Nov-16 | Commerce | PT | Dr. M. Kanagarathinam | Positining of Motorcycle Brands through Percepual mapping among youth |
39 | Greeshma. V | Nov-16 | Commerce | FT | Sri Devi. V | Investors Behaviour Towards Mutual Fund Investment with Special Reference to Kerals |
40 | Saranya.S.S | Nov-16 | Hindi | FT | Dr. B. Anirudhan | Filmy Transformation of the novel SARA AAKASH |
41 | Aswathi.M.Nair | Nov-16 | Hindi | FT | Dr. B. Anirudhan | The life of Dalit and their Major Problems in Jayaprakash Kardam's Novel "CHAPPAR" |
42 | Anjana. A. S | Nov-16 | Hindi | FT | Dr. S. Ganesan | Tribal Life in Sanjeev's Novel "DHAAR" |
43 | Lakshmi Devi. K | Nov-16 | Hindi | FT | Dr. S. Ganesan | Chitra Mudgal Upanyas "Giligadu" main Abivyakth virdh jeevan |
44 | Aiswarya R | Nov-17 | Computer Science | FT | Dr.D.Vimal Kumar | Improved Information Retrival on e-commerce websites using POS Tagging and Modified SVM Classification |
45 | Krishna Janadhan | Nov-17 | Computer Science | FT | Dr.D.Vimal Kumar | Hybrid Feature selection algorithm using Fuzzy C Means Clustering and Max- Dependent Classification |
46 | Anu Mattatholi | Nov-17 | Computer Science | FT | Dr.N.Kavitha | Instant Messaging Security and Privacy using Enhanced Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Mobile Social Networks |
47 | Archana C S | Nov-17 | Computer Science | FT | Dr.K.Kangalakshmi | Implmentation of Weiner Filter to Intensify Noise Removal in Fingerprint Image |
48 | Arya K S | Nov-17 | Computer Science | FT | Mr.P.K. Manojkumar | An Improved Efficiency Certificate less data transmission in Mobile Adhoc Networks |
49 | Deepthi Babu | Nov-17 | Computer Science | FT | Dr.N.Kavitha | KPSVM: Kernal Perception SVM Based Statistical Techniques for Breast Canver Prediction |
50 | D.Devika | Nov-17 | Commerce | PT | Dr.M.Kangarathinam | Customer satisfaction of XTRAPOWER FLEET CARD - with reference to Indian Oil corporation Ltd. Coimbatore City |
51 | Shanthi V | Nov-17 | English | FT | Ms.R.Jayanthi | Enhancing Reading Skills Througgh Activity based learning among undergraduate students of English: An Experimental Study |
52 | ShanmugaPriya R | Nov-17 | English | PT | Ms.R.Jayanthi | Women hood Aesthetics and subjugation in Gita hariharans novels |
53 | Sincy A S | Nov-17 | Hindi | FT | Dr.P.Ganesan | An analytical study of Krishna Sobit's Novel "TIN PAHAD" |
54 | Tamilselvi | Nov-17 | Tamil | PT | Dr. Vasanthimala | Completed |
55 | SHENBAGAVALLI. B | Nov-18 | Commerce | FT | Dr. A. Sumathi | subscribers satisfaction towards service rendered y LIC of India with reference to coimbatore District |
56 | MYTHILI. K | Nov-18 | Commerce | PT | Dr. V. Sri Devi | Customer's Attitude towards purchase of Gold Ornaments with reference to coimbatore city |
57 | SARANYA. C | Nov-18 | Commerce | FT | Dr. V. Sri Devi | Effect of divident policies of market capatilization: A study on NSE Listed Selected IT Companies in India |
58 | SHYNI.M | Nov-18 | HINDI | FT | Dr. B. Anirudhan | Usha Priyamavada Ki Nadi Upanyas Ka Vishleshnathmar Adhyayan |
S. No. | Name of the Student | BATCH | Discipline | FT/PT | Name of the Guide | Title |
1 | Anushya Koniya. K | Nov-15 | Microbiology | FT | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | In vitro Evaluation of Bacteriostatic Potential of Chicken Egg Yolk Immunoglobulin (IgY) Against Listeria monocytogenes. (Pursuing) |
2 | JISHA GEORGE A | Nov-18 | Computer Science | FT | Dr N Kavitha | Pursuing |
3 | ANEEGA JOSE MANGALAM | Nov-18 | Computer Science | FT | Dr K Kangalakshmi | Pursuing |
4 | VISHNURAJ P | Nov-18 | Computer Science | FT | Dr D Vimalkumar | Artificial Intelligence based colour and clothing pattern recognition for visually impaired people (thesis Submitted) |
5 | SUDHA. O. S | Nov-18 | SOCIAL WORK | PT | Dr. Thanju Thomas | Pursuing |
6 | JYOTHYLAKSHMI RAJAN | Oct-19 | Biotechnology | FT | Dr. N. Saranya | Pursuing |
7 | DHANYA M | Oct-19 | Computer Science | FT | Dr N Kavitha | Pursuing |
8 | ASWATHY ARAVINDAN | Oct-19 | Computer Science | FT | Dr N Kavitha | Pursuing |
9 | ASWATHY K P | Oct-19 | Computer Science | FT | Dr.D.Vimalkumar | Pursuing |
10 | LISHA M L | Oct-19 | SOCIAL WORK | FT | Dr.P.Nathiya | Pursuing |
11 | ABHINAYA V | Oct-19 | SOCIAL WORK | PT | Dr.P.Nathiya | Pursuing |
12 | NEELAVENI. P | Oct-19 | TAMIL | PT | Dr. A. Sridevi | Pursuing |
13 | Mridula CM | Jan-21 | Computer Science | FT | Dr. N. Kavitha | Pursuing |
14 | AGALYA C.R | Jan-21 | ENGLISH | FT | Dr.K.Rajkumar | Pursuing |
List of Research Scholars for Past 5 Years
S. No | Name | Guide | Year of Registration |
1 | Ms. Rekha | Dr. B. Anirudhan | 2017 |
2 | Ms. Jeshy S | Dr. B. Anirudhan | 2018 |
3 | Ms. Khushbhu | Dr. B. Anirudhan | 2019 |
4 | Ms. Sarla Jangi | Dr. B. Anirudhan | 2018 |
5 | Mr. A. Sakthiraja | Dr. A. Anitha | 2015 |
6 | Ms. R. Kavitha Saraswathi | Dr. A. Anitha | 2016 |
7 | Ms. T. Reshma | Dr. A. Anitha | 2015 |
8 | Ms. D. Devika | Dr. C. Boopathi | 2021 |
9 | Ms. S. Shanthi | Dr. C. Boopathi | 2021 |
10 | Ms. T. Dhivya priya | Dr. C. Boopathi | 2021 |
11 | Mr. I Gobi | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | 2016 |
12 | Mr. V. R. Nagarajan | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | 2017 |
13 | Ms. Anitha Merlin D J | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | 2021 |
14 | Ms. K Sumathi | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | 2017 |
15 | Ms. Kowsalya S | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | 2022 |
16 | Ms. M. V. Jisha | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | 2017 |
17 | Ms. R. Amutha | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | 2016 |
18 | Ms. R. Anitha | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | 2018 |
19 | Mr. Maheshwaran | Dr. G. Vasanthimala | 2016 |
20 | Ms. Elamathi V | Dr. G. Vasanthimala | 2016 |
21 | Ms. Praveena V | Dr. G. Vasanthimala | 2016 |
22 | Mr. K. Natarajan | Dr. J. Rathinamala | 2014 |
23 | Mr. N. Sureshbabu | Dr. K. Kanagalakshmi | 2017 |
24 | Ms. Joycy K Antony | Dr. K. Kanagalakshmi | 2017 |
25 | Ms. S. Soundarya | Dr. K. Kanagalakshmi | 2017 |
26 | Ms. Sreejithramachandran | Dr. K. Raj Kumar | 2018 |
27 | Ms. V. Kavitha | Dr. K. Raj Kumar | 2018 |
28 | Ms. P. Poongothai | Dr. K. Raj Kumar | 2017 |
29 | Ms. Rini Mercy. J | Dr. K. Rajarajeshwari | 2019 |
30 | Ms. K. Mythili | Dr. K. Rajarajeshwari | 2021 |
31 | Ms. Devi Chandrika | Dr. K. Rajarajeshwari | 2021 |
32 | Mr. Gunasekaran | Dr. M. Kanagarathinam | 2018 |
S. No | Name | Guide | Year of Registration |
33 | Ms. K. Indhu | Dr. M. Kanagarathinam | 2019 |
34 | Ms. Kayathri Devi | Dr. M. Kanagarathinam | 2019 |
35 | Ms. S. Samundeeswari | Dr. M. Kanagarathinam | 2017 |
36 | Ms. Shailendra Dhanya | Dr. M. Kanagarathinam | 2019 |
37 | Mr. Attrait Dovin Fetrick S | Dr. M. Richard Robert | 2021 |
38 | Mr. Joseph Mathew | Dr. M. Richard Robert | 2021 |
39 | Mr. Muhammed Rafeek K P | Dr. M. Richard Robert | 2021 |
40 | Mr. J. Rajkumar | Dr. N. Kavitha | 2017 |
41 | Ms. G. Sumalatha | Dr. N. Kavitha | 2017 |
42 | Ms. K. Subhadra | Dr. N. Kavitha | 2017 |
43 | Ms. P.Usha | Dr. N. Kavitha | 2017 |
44 | Ms. S.Saranya | Dr. N. Kavitha | 2017 |
45 | Ms. Seethal Prince | Dr. N. Kavitha | 2022 |
46 | Ms. Vadivu V | Dr. N. Kavitha | 2017 |
47 | Mr. Ambethkar S | Dr. N. P. Subramaniyam | 2017 |
48 | Mr. Antony Pradeesh | Dr. N. P. Subramaniyam | 2020 |
49 | Mr. Arun Prasad | Dr. N. P. Subramaniyam | 2017 |
50 | Mr. S. Kannan | Dr. N. P. Subramaniyam | 2014 |
51 | Mr. Udhaya Kumar K | Dr. N. P. Subramaniyam | 2017 |
52 | Mr. Mohammed Riyasudeen | Dr. N. Saranya | 2021 |
53 | Mrs. Satisha. V | Dr. N. Saranya | 2021 |
54 | Mr. Noufal | Dr. N. Shani | 2017 |
55 | Ms Deepa S | Dr. N. Shani | 2018 |
56 | Ms. Reshma B P | Dr. Narayanasamy | 2021 |
57 | Ms. Seena P | Dr. Narayanasamy | 2019 |
58 | Ms. Sidharth K | Dr. Narayanasamy | 2021 |
59 | Ms. Maheshwari | Dr. P. Ganesan | 2018 |
60 | Mr. Thirunavukkarasu P | Dr. P. Nathiya | 2021 |
61 | Ms. Lidhya | Dr. P. Nathiya | 2021 |
62 | Ms. Priya Rose K J | Dr. P. Nathiya | 2021 |
63 | Ms. Pushparani Kavitha | Dr. P. Nathiya | 2021 |
64 | Ms. Sreesaila N P | Dr. P. Nirmala | 2018 |
65 | Ms. Yunus P H | Dr. P. Nirmala | 2019 |
66 | Mr. Vineeth Ravidas | Dr. R. A. Ayyapparajan | 2019 |
67 | Ms. R. N. Shruthi | Dr. R. Malathi | 2022 |
S. No | Name | Guide | Year of Registration |
68 | Ms. S. Jemima | Dr. R. Malathi | 2022 |
69 | Ms. V. Shanthi | Dr. R. Malathi | 2022 |
70 | Ms. A. Padmavathi | Dr. R.Vijayaraghavan | 2017 |
71 | Ms. Gayathri Unnikrishnan | Dr. R.Vijayaraghavan | 2017 |
72 | Ms. J. Parasakthi | Dr. R.Vijayaraghavan | 2021 |
73 | Ms. B. Kanimozhi | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | 2017 |
74 | Ms. Hima KU | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | 2017 |
75 | Ms. N. S. Sreedevi | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | 2013 |
76 | Ms. Thulasi Sivaraman | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | 2017 |
77 | Ms. Pooja Dev | Dr. S. Meenatchisundaram | 2017 |
78 | Ms. K. E. Hemapriya | Dr. S. Saraswathi | 2021 |
79 | Ms. R. Suryaprabha | Dr. S. Saraswathi | 2021 |
80 | Ms. S. Kowsalya | Dr. S. Saraswathi | 2021 |
81 | Ms. Saranya | Dr. S. Saraswathi | 2021 |
82 | Mr. R. Naveena Rajasree | Dr. T. H. Sukirtha | 2021 |
83 | Ms. Savitha | Dr. V. Chitraa | 2019 |
84 | Mr. B. H. Singhu | Dr. V. Venkatachalam | 2019 |
85 | Mr. S. Parthibamani | Dr. V. Venkatachalam | 2019 |
86 | Ms. B.H.Singhu | Dr. V. Venkatachalam | 2019 |
87 | Ms. Gittu baby | Dr. V. Venkatachalam | 2021 |
88 | Ms. R. Mahadevi | Dr. V. Venkatachalam | 2019 |
S.No | ID Number | Name of Research Scholar | M/F | PT/FT | Name of Research Guide | Research Dept. Sanctioned letter | Dept | Registration communication |
1 | 20155022 | Sakthi Raj. A | M | PT | Dr. A. Anitha | | Biotech | |
2 | 20184515 | Sreesaila N P | F | FT | Dr. O. S. Nimmi | Biotech | | |
3 | 20213389 | Mohammed Riyasudeen | M | FT | Dr. N. Saranya | Biotech | | |
4 | 20213388 | Statisha V | F | PT | Dr. N. Saranya | Biotech | | |
5 | 20226175 | Purushothaman T | M | PT | Dr. N. Saranya | Biotech | | |
6 | 20226174 | Shilpa H | F | FT | Dr. O. S.Nimmi | Biotech | | |
7 | 20213390 | Dhivya Priya T | F | PT | Dr. C. Boopathi | | Comm | |
8 | 20225501 | Devika D | F | PT | Dr.C.Boopathi | Comm | | |
9 | 20225503 | Mythili K | F | PT | Dr. K. Raja Rajeshwari | Comm | | |
10 | 20225502 | Shanthi S | F | PT | Dr. C. Boopathy | Comm | | |
11 | 20226165 | Amritha P | F | FT | Dr. K. Rajarajeswari | Comm | | |
12 | 20226166 | Chinchu K | F | PT | Dr. C. Boopathi | Comm | | |
13 | 20226167 | Sreenath K | M | PT | Dr. C. Boopathi | Comm | | |
14 | 20226164 | Suryavathani J | F | PT | Dr. K. Rajarajeshwari | Comm | | |
15 | 20165476 | Gopi. I | M | PT | Dr. D. Vimalkumar | | CS | |
16 | 20173506 | Vadivu V | F | PT | Dr. N. Kavitha | CS | | |
17 | 20173504 | J. Rajkumar | M | PT | Dr. N. Kavitha | CS | | |
18 | 2018 | Anitha. R | F | PT | Dr. D. Vimalkumar | CS | | |
19 | 2021 | Anitha Merlin D | F | FT | Dr. D. Vimalkumar | CS | | |
20 | 20225590 | Gayathri Rangaraj | F | PT | Dr.K.Selvavinayaki | CS | | |
21 | 20225586 | Kawsalya S | F | PT | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | CS | | |
22 | 20225589 | Shamseera K | F | FT | Dr. K. Selvavinayaki | CS | | |
23 | 20225585 | Sheethal Prince E | F | PT | Dr. N. Kavitha | CS | | |
24 | 20226169 | Auxilia Anitha Mary | F | PT | Dr. T. Ramaprabha | CS | | |
25 | 20226170 | Divya Jose J | F | PT | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | CS | | |
26 | 20226173 | Naresh Kumar | M | PT | Dr. K. Prathapchandran | CS | | |
27 | 20226171 | Viswanathan A | M | PT | Dr. T. Ramaprapha | CS | | |
28 | 20173502 | Udhayakumar K | M | PT | Dr. N. P. Subiramaniyam | | ECS | |
29 | 20173835 | Ambedhkar S | M | PT | Dr.N.P. Subramaniyam | ECS | | |
30 | 20173503 | Arun Prasad | M | PT | Dr.N.P. Subramaniyam | ECS | | |
31 | 20193883 | Antony Pradeesh D | M | PT | Dr.N.P.Subiramaniyam | ECS | | |
32 | 20226168 | Vanathi V | F | PT | Dr. M. Satheesh Kumar | ECS | | |
33 | 20225587 | Jemima S | F | PT | Dr. R. Malathi | | English | |
34 | 20225588 | Santhi V | F | FT | Dr. R. Malathi | English | | |
35 | 20226179 | Greeshma D | F | FT | Dr. D. Vijayaraghavan | English | | |
36 | 20226178 | Kavitha S | F | PT | Dr. Ritu Shepherd | English | | |
37 | 20226180 | Pavithra M | F | FT | Dr. K. Rajkumar | English | | |
38 | 20226181 | Preethy CN | F | FT | Dr. R. Malathi | English | | |
39 | 20184500 | Maheshwari S | F | PT | Dr. P. Ganesan | | Hindi | |
40 | 20173836 | Noufal K T [Completed] | M | PT | Dr.N.Shani | | Magt | |
41 | 20184518 | Deepa S | F | PT | Dr. N. Shani | Magt | | |
42 | 20133219 | Natarajan[Completed] | M | PT | Dr. J. Rathinamala | | Micro | |
43 | 20173841 | Padmavathi A[Completed] | F | PT | Dr. R.Vijayaraghavan | Micro | | |
44 | 20213392 | Parasakthi J[Completed] | F | PT | Dr. R.Vijayaraghavan | Micro | | |
45 | 20225563 | Naveena Rajasree | F | FT | Dr. M. Thangavel | Micro | | |
46 | 20225592 | Sruthy Mohan | F | FT | Dr. M. Thangavel | Micro | | |
47 | 20225591 | Unnimaya M | F | FT | Dr. M.Thangavel | Micro | | |
48 | 20226176 | Aparna Ravi | F | FT | Dr. M. Thangavel | Micro | | |
49 | 20213393 | Lydia T | F | PT | Dr.P. Nathiya | | SW | |
50 | 20213394 | Thirunavukkarasu P | M | PT | Dr. P. Nathiya | SW | | |
51 | 20213395 | Pusparani Kavitha | F | FT | Dr. P. Nathiya | SW | | |
52 | 20213397 | Priya Rosek | F | FT | Dr. P. Nathiya | SW | | |
53 | 20225504 | Krishna Prabha | F | FT | Dr.P. Nathiya | SW | | |
54 | 20225505 | Rakesh Chandran | M | FT | Dr. P. Nathiya | SW | | |
55 | 20165478 | Maheswaran. S | M | PT | Dr. G. Vasanthimala | | Tamil | |
S.No | ID Number | Name of Research Scholar | Male/ Female | PT/FT | Name of Research Guide | Sanction letter issued by The Reistrar, BU | Dept | Registration Communication |
56 | 23-24-JUNE | Jennifer Suganthi S | F | FT | Dr. O. S. Nimmi | | Biotech | |
57 | Karukkuvelraja R | M | PT | Dr. N. Saranya | Biotech | | ||
58 | Raheeshma M | F | PT | Dr. K. Rajarajeswari | | Comm | | |
59 | Reshma K V | F | FT | Dr. V. Selvam | Comm | | ||
60 | Radhika M S | F | PT | Dr. M. Shanthana Lakshmi | Comm | | ||
61 | Raghunath G | M | PT | Dr. M. Shanthana Lakshmi | Comm | | ||
62 | Aswathy R | F | FT | Dr. N. Kavitha | | CS | | |
63 | Subuhan S | M | PT | Dr. N. Kavitha | CS | | ||
64 | Banupriya D | F | PT | Dr. K. Prathapchandran | CS | | ||
65 | Sweetlin Devamanohari | F | PT | Dr. K. Prathapchandran | CS | | ||
66 | Kochumol Abraham | F | PT | Dr. T. Ramaprabha | CS | | ||
67 | Win Mathew John | M | PT | Dr. T. Ramaprabha | CS | | ||
68 | Maria Mahajan | M | PT | Dr. T. Ramaprabha | CS | | ||
69 | Neethu Mohan | F | PT | Dr. D. Surya Prabha | CS | | ||
70 | Angelin Rosy M | F | PT | Dr. D. Surya Prabha | CS | | ||
71 | Reenu M | F | PT | Dr. R. Malathi | | English | | |
72 | Priyanga S | F | FT | Dr. K. Rajkumar | English | | ||
73 | Divya A J | F | FT | Dr. M. Richard Robert Raa | English | | ||
74 | Priya V B | F | PT | Dr. Ritu Shepherd | English | | ||
75 | Claris Annie John | F | PT | Dr. Ritu Shepherd | English | | ||
76 | Shanmugapriya R | F | PT | Dr. Ritu Shepherd | English | | ||
77 | Anvar Sadique M P | M | PT | Dr. David Jayaseelan | | Micro | | |
78 | Manshad C K | M | PT | Dr. David Jayaseelan | Micro | | ||
79 | 23-24 Dec | Mrs. Aparna. K. S | F | PT | Dr. R. C. Jaysree | | Biotech | |
80 | Ms. Mariammal | F | PT | Dr. K. Rajarajeswari | | Comm | | |
81 | Ms. Devi Chandrika | F | PT | Dr. K. Rajarajeswari | Comm | | ||
82 | Ms. Saranya. D | F | PT | Dr. S. Saraswathi | | CS | | |
83 | Mrs. Ramya U | F | PT | Dr. S. Saraswathi | CS | | ||
84 | Mrs. Mangayarkarasi. P | F | PT | Dr. S. Saraswathi | CS | | ||
85 | Ms. Porkodi. R | F | PT | Dr. N. Kavitha | CS | | ||
86 | Mr. K. Pandian | M | PT | Dr. D. Surya Prabha | CS | | ||
87 | Mr. Panbhakaran. A | M | PT | Dr. Vigmeswari P | | Tamil | |
S.No | Department | Name of the Research Guide | Designation | Mobile Number | Email id | Domain Specialisation | Teaching Experience[years] | Research Experience [Years] | Journal Publications | Number Research Scholar ongoing | Number Research Scholar completed | PG Dissertation completed | Number of Patent | Books | Book Chapters | Vidwan URL | Vacancy Available | |||||
Scopus | SCI | UGC Care listed Journal | Published | Granted | Santioned strength | Seats filled | Seat vacant | |||||||||||||||
1 | Hindi | Dr. B. Anirudhan | Professor & Principal | 9003936356 | | Literature | 15 | 10 | 10 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 6 | | 01FT/02PT | 0FT/01PT | 01FT/01PT | ||
1 | Biochemistry with Nanotechnology | Dr. K. Narayanaswamy | Associate Professor & Head | 9894235836 | | Cancer Biology & Medicinal plants and Nanotechnology | 25 | 6 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 1 | - | 0 | 0 | | Not available | ||||
2 | Biotechnology | Dr. N. Saranya | Associate Professor & Head | 8870244345 | | Plant Biotechnology | 15 | 4 | 7 | 4 | 0 | 35 | 15 | 2 | 2 | 2 | | 15FT/7PT | 5FT/5PT | 10FT/2PT | ||
3 | Dr. O. S. Nimmi | Asst. Professor | 9944588468 | | Bionanotechnology and Plant Biotechnology | 15 | 7 | 2 | 3 | - | 12 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | | ||||||
4 | Dr. R. C. Jaysree | Asst. Professor | 9961837243 | | Environmental Biotechnology | 7 | 7 | 8 | 1 | - | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | ||||||
5 | Dr. Deepa Mundeekad | Asst. Professor | 9952832250 | | Cancer Biology & Nanoscience | 2 | 9 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | ||||||
6 | Buisness Administration | Dr. R. A. Ayyapparajan | Associate Professor & Head | 9585495775 | | Human Resource Management | 15 | 4 | 12 | 0 | 1 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 3 | 4 | | 1FT/1PT | 1FT/1PT | 1FT/1PT | ||
7 | Commerce | Dr. V. Selvam | Asst. professor | 9790609803 | | Marketing & Banking | 8 | 13 | 27 | 3 | 0 | 105 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 6 | | 6FT/18PT | 2FT/12PT | 4FT/6PT | ||
8 | Dr. K. Raja Rajeswari | Associate Professor & Head | 8248447309 | | Marketing & Human Resource Management | 18 | 9 | 8 | 6 | 1 | 30 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 6 | | ||||||
9 | Dr. M. Shathanalakshmi | Dean, School of Commerce | 9095154136 | | Finance | 19 | 19 | 25 | 2 | 0 | 100 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | | ||||||
10 | Microbiology | Dr. M. D. Dinesh | Asst. professor | 7510891872 | | Immunology and Immunotechnology | 10 | 12 | 35 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 14FT/4PT | 5FT/4PT | 9FT/0PT | ||
11 | Dr. Thulasi Sivaraman | Asst. professor | 9656339212 | | Medical Microbiology | 6 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | ||||||
12 | Dr. M. Thangavel | Associate Professor & Head | 9489591066 | | Medical Microbiology | 33 | 29 | 55 | 5 | 7 | 85 | 5 | 0 | 2 | 4 | | ||||||
13 | Dr. Esath Natheer | Asst. professor | 8778951233 | | Environmental Microbiology | 10 | 5 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 36 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | | ||||||
14 | Dr. David Jayaseelan | Asst. professor | 9994369877 |, | Cancer biology, gene expression and cell signaling. | 15 | 15 | 5 | 2 | 0 | 30 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | | ||||||
15 | Computational Sciences | Dr. S. Saraswathi | Dean, Academic Affairs | 9842241900 | | Data Mining | 18 | 18 | 20 | 6 | 0 | 25 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | | 9FT/27PT | 2FT/20PT | 7FT/7PT | ||
16 | Dr. T. Ramaprabha | Associate Professor | 9443233302 | | Image Processing and Virtual Reality | 26 | 20 | 60 | 4 | 4 | 20 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 16 | | ||||||
17 | Dr. N. Kavitha | Associate Professor & Head | 7358970841 | | Data mining | 20 | 9 | 13 | 6 | 3 | 50 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 2 | | ||||||
18 | Dr. D. Suryaprabha | Asst. Professor | 9600454606 | | Digital Image Processing | 6 | 12 | 18 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | | ||||||
19 | Dr. K. Pratapchandran | Asst. Professor | 9976616685 | | IoT, Big Data Analytics | 10 | 5 | 49 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 3 | | ||||||
20 | Dr. K. Selvavinayaki | Dean, Associate Professor | 9447947611 | | MOBILE ADHOC NETWORK | 22 | 20 | 12 | 1 | 0 | 30 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 1 | | ||||||
21 | Dr. D. Vimal Kumar | Associate Professor | 9788618550 | | Data Mining, IoT | 19 | 15 | 59 | 5 | 4 | 0 | 6 | 4 | 0 | | |||||||
22 | Socail Work | Dr. P. Nathiya | Associate Professor & Head | 9943393371 | | Human Resource Management, Research Methodology and Community Development | 14 | 10 | 25 | 5 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | | 4FT/4PT | 3FT/2PT | 1FT/2PT | ||
23 | CDF | Dr. S. Jayapriya | Associate Professor & Head | 9790030400 | | Textile Processing, sustainability | 17 | 6 | 11 | Expecting approval in this academic year | 1 | 1 | 5 | 4 | | Expecting approval in this academic year | ||||||
24 | English | Dr. R. Malathi | Associate Professor & Head | 9789725820 | | English Literature | 19 | 19 | 15 | 5 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 2 | | 14FT/10PT | 7FT/7PT | 7FT/3PT | ||
Dr. Ritu Shepherd | Associate Professor | 9677333707 | | Indian Ennglish Literature | 23 | 14 | 13 | 4 | - | 10 | - | - | 1 | | ||||||||
Dr. K. Rajkumar | Asst. Professor | 9790335925 | | Language and Literature | 9.6 | 6 | 16 | 3 | 4 | 15 | - | - | 3 | - | | |||||||
25 | Dr. Richard Robert Raa | Asst. professor | 98426 09454 | | Communication Skills, Soft Skills | 10 | 4 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | | ||||||||
26 | ECS | Dr. M. Sathishkumar | Associate Professor & Head | 9865861230 | | IoT, Embedded systems, Nanomaterials | 9 | 9 | 24 | 1 | 0 | 15 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | | 2FT/5PT | 0FT/4PT | 2FT/1PT | ||
27 | Tamil | Dr. A. Sreedevi | Associate Professor & Head | 9788137991 | | Folklore and contemporary literature | 18 | 4 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | | 2FT/6PT | 0FT/0PT | 2FT/6PT | ||
28 | Dr. P. Vigneswari | Associate Professor | 9976576871 | | Folklore and contemporary literature | 10 | 5 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 2 | | ||||||
29 | FSN | Dr. A. Swarnalatha | Associate Professor & Head | 9944817561 | | Food science, Community Nutribition and Product development | 23 | 23 | 16 | Expecting approval in this academic year | 3 | 0 | 5 | 5 | | Expecting approval in this academic year | ||||||
30 | Viscom | Dr. K. Pradeep | Asst. professor | 9894056331 | | Film studies and Nueroaesthitics and media | 12 | 16 | 36 | Expecting approval in this academic year | 1 | 0 | 3 | 8 | | Expecting approval in this academic year | ||||||
31 | Dr. Paul | Associate Professor & Head | 9445146155 | | ICT Development | 18 | 7 | 7 | Expecting approval in this academic year | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | | Expecting approval in this academic year | |||||||
Dr. Shanmugam. V | PRINCIPAL |
IPR Coordinator Assistant Professor (SG) Department of Computer Applications
Member Head Department of Biotechnology
Member Head Department of Biotechnology
# | Member Details | Institution |
1 | Dr. K. S. Chandrasekar, Professor, Head & Dean | Institute of Management, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram |
2 | Dr. S. Karuthapandian, Senior Most Professor, Department of Biotechnology | Allagappa University, Karaikudi |
3 | Dr. B. Ashokkumar, Associate Professor, Department of Genetic Engineering | School of Biotechnology, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. |
4 | Dr. G. Padmavathi, Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science, | Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore |
5 | Dr. Mukthinath Misra,Bioplus Park, | Sipcot Industrial Area, Phase II Main Road, Hosur - 635109 |