The Department of Biotechnology, Nehru Arts and Science College has organized One day webinar on “CSIR-UGC NET Life Science Preparation” on 01/11/2020. The program was inaugurated with the welcome address by Dr. R. Vijayaraghavan, Head of the Department, Department of Biotechnology, NASC. The presidential address of the program was delivered by Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, Nehru Arts and Science College. Technical Session was initiated with the talk by Ms. Rahna A., Ph.D. Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Following the technical session and presentation by the resource person, the session was concluded with a vote of thanks rendered by Shri. V. Shanmugam, Organizing Secretary of the program.
The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) NET is a test being conducted twice a year on all India basis to determine the eligibility for “Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and for Lectureship/Assistant Professor (LS/AP)” in Indian universities and colleges subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria laid down by University Grants Commission (UGC). As a compendium of life science competitive exams, the program divulged the aspects involved in deciphering; 1. Phases of the exam, 2. Understanding the core, 3. Strategies in preparation, and 4. Decisive actions during the exam. The resource person as an alumnus understood the wavelength of the students and handled the session in a relative manner to involve the students’ doubts and confusions, giving the clarity from the initial point till the exam completion ideas however, achieved the goal of the program.
Outcome of the Event
CSIR-UGC NET Fellowships are tenable in Universities/IITs/Post Graduate Colleges/Govt. Research Establishments including those of the CSIR, Research & Development establishments of recognized public or private sector industrial firms and other recognized institutions. The programme is aimed at National Science & Technology Human Resource Development. One should prefer a long-term preparation strategy with determination and utilization of fundamentals gained for clearing the CSIR-NET exam. Ideas on how to balance the time involving the exclusive planning for preparation of all the sections with weightage to the unknown to the familiar concepts also understanding the segregated importance in different sections of paper has been well defined. Various aspects of the CSIR UGC NET planning tips include 1. time management, 2. Updated with current affairs, 3. New developments and findings in the domain, 4. Selective segregation based on the weightage in the marks from the syllabus, 5. solving of past years of question papers, 6. the decision on when to take the mock tests and 7. the revision of the same. The program paves the way for the students to know about the initial ideas on planning and strategies to perform as well as the key factors to keep in mind once the preparation phase has completed and the terms on how to perform the exam which is the foremost attention and information to be brought to the aspirants to lead them and the selves to a successful future.