The Department of Biotechnology, Nehru Arts and Science College has organized One day webinar on “Research Opportunities in Life Sciences” on 23/10/2020. The program was inaugurated with the welcome address by Dr. R. Vijayaraghavan, Head of the Department, Department of Biotechnology, NASC. The presidential address of the program was delivered by Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, Nehru Arts and Science College. Technical Session was initiated with the talk by Dr. T. Rajesh, Scientist, CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Chennai. Following the technical session and presentation by the resource person, the session was concluded with a vote of thanks.
In a view to concise the propagation of life science field in the country, India has now become the worldwide hub for life science to a multifurcated technology. It participates in mega-projects such as the International Genome Project. Indian government spending on research and development (R&D) has grown by seven per cent each year after 2012 which is 5.07 percent rise in contrast to the developed nations. And todays objective of the program is to unravel the career options presently available for life science students embodied teaching and research in the academic sector, jobs in biotech, food, clinical, technical or pharma industry, science administration, management, policy, communication and outreach, intellectual property rights (IPR), technology transfer and regulatory jobs, bio-entrepreneurship – setting up your own enterprise, specialised services such as core facility management, bioinformatics, big data management, clinical trials etc.
In a view to concise the propagation of life science field in the country, India has now become the worldwide hub for life science to a multifurcated technology. It participates in mega-projects such as the International Genome Project. Indian government spending on research and development (R&D) has grown by seven per cent each year after 2012 which is 5.07 percent rise in contrast to the developed nations. And todays objective of the program is to unravel the career options presently available for life science students embodied teaching and research in the academic sector, jobs in biotech, food, clinical, technical or pharma industry, science administration, management, policy, communication and outreach, intellectual property rights (IPR), technology transfer and regulatory jobs, bio-entrepreneurship – setting up your own enterprise, specialised services such as core facility management, bioinformatics, big data management, clinical trials etc.
The expounded information will serve as a one-stop resource, intended to help in making the best choice for a career path, assessing the self, matching aptitude and skills with the requirements and filling the gaps, by acquiring appropriate training. The session was so informative and interactive as the students expressed their involvement throughout the program and gave good feedbacks.
Outcome of the Event
India has a large network of higher learning institutions for life sciences with advanced standard as it renowned worldwide for its potential of the young brains. Comparatively, there are immense opportunities available and its far progressing letting those who wish to pursue a career in education and research. There are 47 central universities, 370 state universities, 123 deemed universities, 282 private universities, 23 IITs, 31 NITs, 23 IIITs, 7 IISERs, AIIMS, and around 35000 affiliated colleges which offer academic courses, and conduct doctoral and postdoctoral research offering the great platform for learning in life sciences. Even, the government extending the offers using various number of fellowship grants like DST-INSPIRE, DBT-JRF, CSIR/UGC NET, ICMR-JRF, ICAR-JRF and more, to encourage students to pursue research, but not limited to. Apart from the opportunities and information, the speaker also mentioned about the self-assessment in such activities and further proceedings in life sciences mentioning to develop the network with relevant fraternity or people and acquire skills by doing summer/winter training, internships, voluntary work, online courses etc. to add value to one’s CV/resume. Followingly, one should narrow down the options, have to prepare your resume, conduct informational interviews, and prepare presentations, to enhance the employability to the opted opportunity. In addition, the program enhanced the knowledge on the importance of internships, grant opportunities, research programs and personal development on to the preparations towards the same showing the weightage in different branches under life sciences including Biomolecules, Oncology, Biodiversity, Microbiology, Bioprospecting, Nana molecules, Genomes, Genetics and variations, and ecosystem.