he Department of Costume Design and Fashion with M. Nandhini, Assistant Professor, CDF organized Professional Development Programme for non-teaching staff by K. Mayilsamy, Darshini Sewing Tech Solutions on “Sewing Machine Maintenance and Techniques” on 04.03.2024 for K. Pushpaja (Lab Assistant) CDF, at Department Sewing Lab, NASC. Basic machine service cleaning and replacing the needle part...Read More
Nehru Arts and Science College, Department of Costume Design and Fashion has organized Adjunct professor Lecture in Innovation and Sustainable Textile Manufacturing on 12.02.2024 for 45 Participants and Mrs S. Jayamani, Sai Colours Indigo Yarn Manufacturers Propritrix Bhavani, acted as the resource person. She explained about the Sustainability product innovation includes Eco design, Eco label, life cycle assessment, materials, and packaging....Read More
Nehru Arts and Science College The Department of Costume Design and Fashion organized a Career Guidance Programme on “Career Goal Setting” on 15.02.2024. The Event participants were 12 th Standard students of Government Higher Secondary School, Puravipalayam. The session gave Career counselling aid to students for recognizing their strengths and values, and guided the scope of embroidery. She also guided them to...Read More
Nehru Arts and Science College, Department of Costume Design and Fashion conducted Parents Teacher Association meeting for Parents of I,II,III B. Sc. CDF student’s on 29.01.2024 at 09:30am. Parents of I,II,III B.Sc. CDF, have attended the meeting. Dr. S. Jayapriya, Head, CDF discussed guidance for academic achievements, semester exam details, classes handling, and asked for any suggestion from...Read More
Nehru Arts and Science College,The Department of Costume Design and Fashion has organized an Alumni Guest lecture on 08.02.2024 for I CDF, II CDF and III CDF. Ms. Hiba motivated students and gave guidance about their Fashion and Textile Entrepreneurship, career goal & how to work on it. Outcome of the Event: The...Read More
Nehru Arts and Science College, Department of Costume Design and Fashion as organized Industrial Visit of I, II B. Sc. CDF student’s on 06.02.2024. Nehru Arts and Science College, Department of Costume Design and Fashion has organized Industrial Visit to Fashion Dot Young Lasers, Ganapathy, an Industrial Visit to Fashion Dot Young Lasers, Ganapathy, Coimbatore on 06.02.2024...Read More
School of Creative Sciences Department of Costume Design And Fashion Organizes Career Guidance for School Students on “Career Goal Setting” 15-Feb-2024 Venue Goverment Highrt Secondary School Puravipalayam, Pollachi.Read More
School of Creative Sciences Department of Costume Design and Fashion Organizes Adjunct Professor Lecture on Innovation and Sustainable Textile Manufacturing Read More
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