About the Department

This department has been functioning from 1998. Autonomy has given the department. much freedom to frame new syllabi according to the need of the society. This Department gets students from all over India and regularly we get students from other states also. Students are well versed in these fields to face the challenges of the job market and when they get opportunities to work in Central Government offices. Though Hindi is not yet welcomed by majority of the population of Tamil Nadu, we could achieve to this extent, only due to the interest shown by the student community. This Department conducted a National Level Conference on Curriculum Development in which it was decided that 50% of the syllabi may be allotted to Functional Hindi. So, Literature Hindi is taught for 50 marks only. Giving equal weightage to Literature Hindi and Functional Hindi is a bold step taken in the right direction. Teaching Beginners' Hindi to more than 250 students every year is a seminal contribution to the growth of our National Language Hindi and national harmony.
To develop Excellent Proficiency in the Hindi Language.
- To improve the communication skills of the students in Hindi and bring out their literary talents and leadership qualities.
- Practical Communication and to make them think and express ideas, Sentiments in the language.
- To improve their reading and writing skill.
- To enhance their ability to communicate effectively and acquire the Pronunciation of native speaker by means of spoken Hindi.
Courses Offered
Mphil/PhD (FT/ PT)
- Establishment of the Department : 1998
- Hindi Research Centre in 2016
- Inauguration of Hindi ‘Chetna’ : 2007
- Hindi Diwas Celebrations: Since 2007
- Publication of Hand Script-Annual Hindi Magazine: 2016
- Best outgoing student- Hindi: Academic Year 2016-2017
- Conducted Hindi Competition